A glimpse of the new $85 million gas-and-oil burning peaker plant off Pulaski Street. The capacity resource known as Project 2015A is a new, efficient, fast-starting, 60 MW, dual fuel, simple cycle peaking electric generating unit and ancillary equipment owned by MMWEC (Massachusetts Municipal Wholesale Electric Company) and located in Peabody, Massachusetts at the location of the PMLP (Peabody Municipal Light Plant) Waters River Station site.
According to applications for permits, Special Project 2015A will emit nearly 51,000 tons of the greenhouse gas carbon dioxide into the atmosphere every year—the equivalent of adding 11,000 combustion engine cars to Massachusetts’ roads each year. Furthermore, the peaker plant will require installing a natural gas compressor to increase natural gas pressure, a 90-foot smokestack and a 2,500-7,500 gallon new tank to hold aqueous urea.”
This view of the plant was revealed recently when parked vehicles were moved at the 58R Pulaski St address.
photos by Sophie Noelle Hartley