You are currently viewing Peabody’s Polluting Peakers
Waters River Power Station's two existing peakers. Where the two yellow vehicles are located is where the new 60MW peaker is being built.

Peabody’s Polluting Peakers

My best birthday present is this Blog – thank you Ron! I’ll be placing much of the same content here that is posted to the BCNS Facebook page so that my non-Facebook friends can use our site instead.

There were no PMLP commissioners in attendance at the Torigian Center on December 7 at the DEP’s final air permit hearing for the new peaker on Pulaski Street. There were more than 80 people in attendance and many more who joined on Zoom. What an impressive line-up of speakers! Thank you!

– Representative Sally P. Kerans
– Julie Smith-Galvin, Wakefield Town Councilor
– Stephanie Peach, Ward 3 Peabody City Councilor
– Sharon Cameron, Director of the Peabody Health and Human Services Department
– Dr. Brita Lundberg, Chair of the Board at Greater Boston Physicians for Social Responsibility
– Mary Klug, Mass350, Marblehead
– Judith Black, Mass350, Marblehead
– Jim Mulloy, Co-Chair, Salem Alliance for the Environment
– Mark DeLey (sp?), Peabody’s first all-solar home owner
– Kate Enderlin, Mass350, Salem
– Amanda Nash, Mass350, Northhampton
– Caroline Britt, Ipswich
– Susan Smoller, Breathe Clean North Shore
– Mireille Beijani, Co-Executive Director, Slingshot
– Logan Malik, Interim Executive Director, Massachusetts Climate Action Network
– Jerry Halberstadt, Breathe Clean North Shore
– Pat Gozemba, Co-Chair, Salem Alliance for the Environment
– Sr. Lenore Coan (beginning comments are not audible)
– Nathan Phillips, Ratepayer Advocate, Consumer Liaison Group of ISO-New England
– Stan Franzeen, Salem Alliance for the Environment
– Rosemary Wessel, Program Director, Berkshire Environmental Action Team
– Francis E. O’Brien, East Boston Climate Action

Watch the hearing recorded by Peabody TV at