I’ll be lifting a glass to toast the City of Peabody for meeting today’s state deadline to apply to become a Green Community!
Curt Bellavance, Director of Community Development in Peabody, sent notice to BCNS on Dec. 28: “Because you have inquired about this in the past, I just wanted to let you know I submitted the necessary paperwork and reports to the Mass DOER for designation as a Green Community. The DOER will review all the documents and we will most likely meet in another two weeks to discuss anything that may be outstanding or needs clarification,” he wrote.
Green Community status entitles the city to receive an initial adoption grant of $125,000, Once Peabody attains Green Community designation from the state, the city will receive an Adoption Grant in the amount of $125,000 and, once those funds are spent, the City will receive another $125,000 based on Peabody’s population.
How will the city spend the funds? Bellavance wrote the funds “would be used for a variety of projects, such as: insulation window replacement, heating systems, weatherization, electric vehicles, LED lighting, building operator certification training, air sealing, pipe insulation, and EV chargers.”
The Community Development Department will identify and target the most effective projects as part of the energy reduction plan, he said.
The Green Community grants are awarded to projects and find clean energy solutions to reduce costs and strengthen the local economy, technical help and financial suppor for local initiatives that improve energy efficiency.
This link leads to a description of the grants from 27 Massachusetts communities that were funded in the Spring 2023 Green Community grant round: https://www.mass.gov/doc/competitive-grant-awards-2023-block-1/download
The Community Development Department will identify and target the most effective projects as part of the energy reduction plan, he said.
This link leads to a description of the grants from 27 Massachusetts communities that were funded in the Spring 2023 Green Community grant round: https://www.mass.gov/doc/competitive-grant-awards-2023-block-1/download
The Green Community grants are awarded to projects and clean energy solutions to reduce costs and strengthen the local economy, technical help and financial suppor for local initiatives that improve energy efficiency.
BCNS has wondered how the Green Community funds might be spent – in particular, BCNS supports the city’s desire to hire a Sustainability Director. It appears Green Community funds won’t make that happen.
I also don’t find mention of creating that position in the city’s 2024 budget published to date: https://peabody-ma.gov/finance/FY%202024%20%20Budget%20Presentation%20pdf.pdf